Every generation comes with their own unique power, as each one was raised during unprecedented societal developments. While other generations like to poke fun at millennials for certain quirks, the adults born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s have surpassed their predecessors as the largest demographic in the global workforce. As these millennials grew up witnessing incredible technological developments, this shaped them into tech-savvy adults with unprecedented expectations for their online experience.
In recent years, these powerful expectations have seeped into the healthcare industry, one that is more end-consumer focused. This means it is vital to design your website with millennial expectations in mind, as they now hold a lot of online power. If your healthcare business is starting from scratch or simply revamping your website, here are some ideas you should keep in mind as you’re planning web design for millennials.
1. Create a strong online presence.
Most people nowadays, especially millennials, start any health inquiry with a search engine. You must have a website at the very least to accomplish any business these days, as they are an essential tool in marketing healthcare for millennials. It’s also a good idea to have a patient portal and even an app unique to your practice so users can make appointments easy and keep all their information in one place to come back to when needed.
Along with that, millennials witnessed, partook, and created the rise of social media, so it’s very important to have accounts on the main apps where it feels appropriate, so that your business reaches anywhere and everywhere. If you have social accounts, make sure to include their icons somewhere visible on your website so people can connect easily.
2. Convenience is important.
Millennials want all information accessible online, but they also want to be able to make an appointment online. Make sure that is a feature you include on your healthcare website. Technological advancements in recent years as well as the pandemic have also given way to the rise of telehealth, which is essentially basic healthcare provisions from the comfort of your home. Telehealth features should be automated when possible to provide an even easier experience. Younger generations are more likely to choose practices that provide these digital capabilities.

3. Trust is essential.
Millennials are a hyper social generation and above all seek transparency online. Every millennial that visits your website has the potential to put their health in your hands, so trust is huge. One way you can establish this trust is through pricing transparency, so that they’re not blindsided with any expense once they visit. You should also make text easy to read so the patient doesn’t feel confused or talked down to. Another effective way to establish trust is by featuring patient testimonials so they can see firsthand you’re the real deal.
4. They want a connection.
You may notice on most websites you visit these days, there is usually some sort of section about the brand’s story or history. This is because millennial design requires an experience, not just a purchase. They want to feel connected to who or what it is they’re buying or looking for, and this is especially important in an industry as vital as healthcare. The more connected they feel on a personal level, the more willing they are to engage with your content. A good place you can accomplish this in your About Us section. Every business, not just in healthcare, has a story, so find a way to creatively tell yours.
5. They want relevant, personalized experiences.
The millennial healthcare generation seeks healthcare experiences that feel just like the other streamlined services in their lives: well-designed, individualized, and relevant. You may not think those words go along with anything healthcare-related, but this is the new user expectation. While design is important to millennials, be careful not to focus too much on making it aesthetically pleasing to the point of non functionality, because users will be quick to leave a pretty website that is difficult to navigate.
It’s also important to keep in mind when designing not to alienate any other age groups. You can have a website that millennials approve of while still making it easy for anyone else to use.
These are just a few ways you can design for millennials in mind. Need help making your healthcare website dreams a reality? Learn more about how AK Consultants & Healthcare can assist.
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