Every organization will have these three components in their organizational structure. At AK Consultants & Healthcare, we work with clients on the alignment of their business processes with their employee and patient expectations.
Business processes may include overall capacity, communications between departments, staffing requirements and costs to deliver a quality of service to the end user (patients). A business process has three distinct functions. It is Definable (beginning & end), it is Predictable (a standard expectation of and outcome) and it is Repeatable (expectation of similar results produced).
The third and most important component is the delivery of a high quality service to the customer/patient. This Service component is dependent upon the training, knowledge, skills and motivation of the Employees. Many factors can affect the delivery depending upon Employees training and skills. However, it is often dependent upon good Leadership to set the goals and Communicate with the employees about any changes in the Systems. Dysfunctional Systems will produce poor service, errors, confused employees and may result in burn out or high turnover.

The costs to replace these highly skilled & knowledgeable workers can be very expensive. Research has shown that to replace a highly skilled employee will cost an organization about 5 times the amount to keeping the employee on staff. This does not include the costs of bringing these employees back as Contract employees!
Our Goal at AK Consultants & Healthcare is to work with our clients to align their Systems, Business Processes and Service Quality activities to deliver superior, consistent results. WE believe in Good, Better, Best—you never let it Rest until your Good is Better and your Better Best.
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